Dr appts

Today I had my follow up with Dr. Nakai. GOD would I hate her job. You have mere minutes to listen to a patient and figure out whats up with them. Physically and mentally. Ha.

When I described my eye flares, looking like I got punched in the face etc. She thought it out thinking it possibly could be make up, but after some discussion determined it probably is the hives, but to maybe try to do no eye make up for a month.

In discussion over my extreme fatigue, there's not much you can do about it. Just try to not over exert myself, aka, slow down at the gym. Which is true. Those days where I'm feeling great, I ruin it by DOING ALL THE THINGS. It flares me up and fatigues me. I in general need the rest anyways, so the truth is, I need to not work out so hard. :( this makes me sad as working out has caused me to lose weight and feel good in general, but I will listen to these warning bells of fatigue.

THEN, with all this information at hand, she suggests again to lower one of my meds, give it two weeks then lower one of my antihistamines!! WHAT!

If I didn't already know better, I know its part of their job to continue to test my body to see where it is really at, to be off as much meds as possible. I understand and I will try this, maybe it will even help my vertigo, who knows. Last time she had me do this I had a major flare up so we will see. I guess this shot I get every month for the last year, still has to take some time to catch up to the disease in my body.

We discussed, because I forced her to, the length of this disease. "Yes some people it just never goes away some people wake up one day and its gone as fast as it came on in 3-5 years."

I'm still gunning for 3. Because I got shit to do.


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