
Showing posts from May, 2019

Latest update 5/29/19

About 5-6 weeks ago my body got so dry if you lit a match near me I would have exploded. I couldn't keep up with the powerades and lotions, my body just sucked it in as if I were a desert itself. After emailing my doctor, she said to try to go without the allegra for a couple weeks, then try without the zyrtec. I was nervous because the last time I did this, I reacted as usual and couldn't handle the sun or anything that was light. 2 weeks went by, everything was fine, so I went without zyrtec. I had small reactions, I could feel the itch in my right hand. But it wasn't bad, and I could definitely ignore it. So I did. It moved to my right foot, my right side of my back and then gone. It went about this way for a couple days then disappeared. NICE. So naturally, last week I started to try beer again. It went so well I drank 1-2 every day. Then this weekend we went to the cities and I had my hand at moscow mules which were the most delicious drink i've had in a long


I promise I will update on health soon. But things are on the upswing these last 3 weeks. I have begun to tell people about it, but I want to wait another week or so until I blog about it. Just because I don't want anything jinxed and theres still a small chance things can go back to square 1. One recent awesome thing in my life recently has been the peloton app. I have been obsessing over their spin bike with the tv attached for almost a year now. It has great content for spin, running, walking, yoga, stretching, meditation and strength. I almost pulled the plug and bought the bike. But at over $2,000 and by owning the bike the app goes up to $40 from $20 (if you use the app alone with no bike), the pricetag made me gag a little. So I invested in a cheaper but sturdy Sunny bike and bought wahoo adapters to track my cadence and speed. I have found an app that I can cast a class onto my large screen tv so I literally feel like I'm there as long as my dog doesn't freak o