try try again!

So this last shot a couple weeks ago went ok. No swelling of the face etc. Great. This time I went at 8:15 am and went back to work. Normally I was doing after lunch but due to the issues last month I wanted to wait out the whole day when I was close to an ER. The different this time is once I got to work, I got double vision and felt suddenly very weak. I had to call my mom for an emergency sports drink as drinking a bunch of water was not cutting it. After getting the powerade I felt better within 30 minutes. Dehydration is a bitch. Since there was no swelling this time I followed my docs orders and discontinued the nighttime allegra. She said if that went well to discontinue half of the zyrtec at night, just to try.

I have noticed in her notes she doesn't put everything she said in the notes, which isn't that big of a deal. Because if shes covering her ass on certain things, but still willing to give me suggestions to help me with the dehydration shit, I don't care. I'm sick of being dizzy everytime I lay down, or try to do any sort of yoga.

So yesterday I started cutting my zyrtec. I also am cutting back alcohol. Not that I was able to drink much after my diagnosis anyways, but a few beers here and there make me happy still. Now its maybe once a week, I'll still get my growler from happy harrys, but thats like once a month, trying to limit it to 2 beers twice a month. Thats probably not helping my dehydration issue either but going no alcohol depresses the hell out of me.

I am still hearing things being said behind my back and though those who are saying these things probably won't read this, it bares repeating.

Yes, there are people who have this disease who just break out in hives and swell up and are getting the same treatment as me.

They only have diagnosed me with chronic hives because they don't know what else to call it. Yes I break out regularly if I don't control it with meds. The issue with me is that it attacks the rest of my body and they don't know why. THEY DON'T KNOW. SO I DON'T KNOW. Yes, food is a trigger, but it isn't the gun that is hurting me, its the autoantibodies. I can now eat whatever I want because we now know that it isn't the food. Its these healthy cells that have confused themselves thinking my stomach, eyes etc are diseases. My body is confused and theres nothing we can do about it. I have high hopes that in 2 years it will go away as fast as it came on. I had thought a year originally, but my doctor said no, its 3-5 years for some people, and some people it never goes away.

I am thankful for this because people do show you who they are when you are sick. I don't mind if you say nothing or just not ask me about it. I understand its confusing. I just ask that you understand when I can't do certain things, or if I'm feeling low about it to just sit with me. You don't have to say anything. Saying, "shes not that sick" or "bullshit" or "shes just lazy" when I'm working out, having to lay low or ANYTHING shows me not only your lack of respect for me but how you view yourself and your relationships. Please. If your going to be like that, stay away. I don't need you right now. I know who you are and am staying away from you for this purpose. This has been hard enough. Definately a good humbling experience that has changed how I take care of myself, who I let in as a friend and who is my spiritual tribe. I can tell you churchs are NOT what they seem. They are NOT the loving caring entity they try to come off as. Same as gym communities. They seem so positive and thats why I love them, but when you hear others' talk, it reminds me that they are just the same grub as church groups. This is why I'm a hermit. And I'm ok with that.


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