Get your labs done!

About a week after my last shot, which was last week, starting Friday I felt the best I  have in a while. Though extreme temps still bother me a bit, it calmed down quite a bit, just in time to let me go ice fishing! I took extra precautions but, I didn't get that chill to the bones feeling which was great. It feels good to feel good. I love times of the month like this!

Did some digging today into my medical notes online. I came to realize that I had the same labs that looked over my immune system about one year prior to the labs that found the autoimmune disease. The reason I had these labs done was, I had to have my gallbladder taken out. However the doctors did not believe me. And NOW I see why. The labs back then showed my immune system had been weakened. Not by a lot, but enough that they would question chrones, some sort of a digestive disease or something far worse. So even though I had a gallbladder test that showed it needed to come out, according to them, it was only a 'soft' finding and made me see a gastronologist etc etc etc, took them 6 months to finally take the stupid thing out. Boy did they regret it! The gallbladder had opened and was oozing into my body, so the doc took his time and had some cleaning to do, but God bless him, he did not open me up more to do his job, he just took his time to clean it. THANK GOD.

Anyways, comparing my labs from 2017 to 2018, you can see the immune issue only got worse over the year. This means that back when I had my gallbladder issue in 2017, my new issue of autoimmune disease was just beginning. This created a peace of mind for me. Yes the stress of foster care and food was the finger that pulled the trigger of this disease, but it had been forming for some time.

Years ago, I was a live in caretaker for a women and childrens shelter. I was there about a year and a half. This was not a shelter that took on battered women, it was a shelter that took on women who were recently released from jail, got kicked out for not paying rent or worse. I loved that job. It kept me insanely busy and focused on anyone but myself. It is how I have learned to cope in life. However, it is not a job one can keep for long due to the stress etc so when I needed to leave I left. My immune system, however, had never been the same since that job. I would get sicker and sicker each year during the winter with longer recovery time and thought nothing of it. I wish I would have worked harder and researched more back then on how to build your immune system back up. Maybe I wouldn't be in this mess now?

Point of this post? Its good to get yearly check ups with the doctor, get your labs done. You'll appreciate it when you do get sick so you can see if there is a pattern that developed.



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